Eマウントレンズ交換式の超高感度な小型4Kビデオカメラ Sony UMC-S3C
Sonyは4K撮影可能なEマウントレンズ交換式の小型ビデオカメラをSony Official Newsでリリースしました。
Capable of achieving sensitivity and resolution with color video recording in 4K, the UMC-S3C realizes the highest sensitivity in its class – under 0.004lx, expandable to ISO 50-409600.
最低被写体照度0.004ルクス以下で、ISO 50-409600、、、筆者には経験のない数値ですが、さすが“超”高感度と謳うだけある仕様です。
Long-duration video recording is also possible as the camera is equipped with a memory card slot on the camera body instead of network cabling. With a 64GB memory card, users can record up to 125 minutes of 4K footage at standard quality (30 fps/60 Mbps). In 4K resolution, where images are four times more detailed than full HD, users can cover larger areas with the highest image quality. The UMC-S3C also supports the XAVC S format for high-quality 4K recording at 100Mbps, especially useful in environments where cabling or space is limited.
Sony’s UMC-S3C is planned to be available in the United States in August 2016.